Who we are
ABEBI FOODS LIMITED was incorporated on 22nd February, 2016 to carry on the business of production, packaging, distribution and distribution of food products.
Our company is a Nigerian based company with a global outlook. We are actively contributing our quota towards ensuring global food security for a growing population in a sustainable way. We process, package and distribute high quality yam flour, Plantain Flour, Beans Flour and White Garri.
Abebi Foods sources its produce from farmers in rural communities across Nigeria. Through its innovative product line, creative packaging, competitive pricing, and distribution strategy, Abebi Foods is gradually becoming a household name for healthy food.

Our Products
Abebi White Garri is produced in a hygienic environment for consumption. It is stone-free, crunchy, low moisture and high rising in both soaking and swallow preparation. It has shelf life of one year as approved by NAFDAC. It comes in pack sizes of 1kg and 5kg. Cassava is the major raw materials in garri production. It grows underground as well as harvested the same way as yam tubers. Cassava is free of gluten. It comes in pack sizes of 1kg and 5kg, registered with NAFDAC No 08-8073L & 08-8074L
Abebi Yam Flour is used to prepare Amala. It’s brownish in colour and goes down well with any draw soup of your choice. It is not adulterated and well processed in a clean environment with stainless steel equipment as recognized by food regulatory body in Nigeria and United States of America (FDA). Yam tubers is the primary raw material for yam flour production. Yams are usually in the family of tubers. It grows underground as well as harvested the same way as cassava. Though not popular in the west, this food crop is well-known in rural area in Africa where it is grown mainly in dry areas because of its hardy nature as well as drought resistant characteristics. It comes in pack size of 1kg and registered with NAFDAC No 08-5219L.
Abebi Beans Flour is made from beans which has been cleaned and processed into fine flour. Beans are protein packed energy capsules with a nutritional food value that can improve human health in many ways. Our beans flours can be used for preparation of moin-moin and akara. It comes in pack size of 500g and registered with NAFDAC No 08-6583L.
Abebi Plantain Flour is produced from unripe plantain which is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, Iron and Magnesium. Plantain flour is unique in the family of flour products because of its abundant health values such as high protein, low sugar content, high dietary fibre, Prevention and management of diabetes and Weight control. This is why most Medical Doctors advise their patients to consume plantain flour (amala) rather than any other flour products. Like other ABEBI FOODS products, our plantain flour is processed in a clean environment with stainless steel equipment as recognized by food regulatory body in Nigeria. It comes in pack size of 900g and registered with NAFDAC No 08-6576L.

Call: 07057088043, 08069964353, 07084085291, 08035245193(WhatsApp), 07084085291(WhatsApp)
Email: info@abebifoods.com.ng